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Marble fixing Qatar:
There a lot of marbles out there and there are a lot of marble floorings in Qatar. Before jumping to the marble fixing Qatar part, I am first going to tell you the benefits of using a marble flooring.
Benefits of marble flooring:
There are a lot of benefits to have marble flooring in your house and I am going to take you through some of them.
The marble is a lot tougher than tiles and other options. You don’t have to cringe every time something falls on the floor or every time someone drags a chair. The toughness and durability of the marble is much more than other flooring. Marble flooring are like scratch resistant floors. You don’t have to worry about having big traffic in your house. The marble can hold its own against heavy traffic.
Easy cleaning:
The marble floors are easy to clean specially if you have drinks spilling in your house. The marble can easily be cleaned. When you have carpets at home it can get really hard to keep it clean as if you spill any drink on the carpet, it is going to leave a stain on the carpet but in case of marble all you need is to simply put a cloth over the drink and let it absorb it.
Great looks:
The marble not only provides you with scratch resistance and easy cleaning but it also provides a great look to your house which your house deserves no matter where you put marble, you will not be going wrong with large or small space. The marble can last you for ages and after 10 years or so you feel like the floor is starting to age, you can always polish it and it will look as good as new.
Increase in value:
As the marble is much more expensive than tiles and other options, it looks great and it adds value to your house you do not want to have a house that, when in time of need, gives you way less money than you put into the house and so marble is a good option.
No allergies:
As the marble does not attract pollen and it does not have sand stuck in it, it makes it good for people who have allergies because there is no and so people with throat allergies and other allergies can be safe from any of it using this flooring.
The marbles can keep the house cold in summer and warm in winter which makes it great for using it all around the year.
Now we will talk about marble fixing.
Marble fixing:
As you know that marble is though and it can last you a long time but sometimes there are minor problems that arise in the marble.
Many people living in hot places use marbles and the main reason is because the marble is tough and it keeps the house cool in summer.
There are many ways to fix the marbles. Generally, three types of marble fixing Qatar methods are used, these are:
Screed fixing:
the marble fixing Qatar can sometimes be sorted by laying screed which is like blinder that can hide
damage of the marble easily.
Dry fixing:
You need to lay a bed of sand and gravel and then hold the tiles tightly in one place and then place the broken piece of marble on top so that no imperfections are made during marble fixing Qatar.
Glue fixing:
if there is a small piece of marble missing you can also fix it using special glue which is good for marble fixing Qatar.
Mechanical fixing:
This is a hard marble fixing Qatar as it requires much use of laser and marble and then each tile to be anchored together with steel clamps.
Wet fixture:
Marble fixing Qatar can also be done using wet fixing. In this process all the stone is laid on a mortared surface which will now become permanent. If you like there is any mistake you will have to tear down the flooring and redo it. This is the most used method for fixture of marble as it can last a long time.
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